Episode 11

Clearing our Clutter With The Chaos Whisperer

How you do one thing is how you do everything. Again and again, in my work with women who are in transitional phases, I have seen how changing any one thing in our lives can kick off a cascade that changes everything. When people want to get unstuck, we often start by creating structure and organization in their daily lives to ensure their precious energy is focused where it matters most. And so, today I am thrilled to welcome Sonya Weisshappel, who is known as The Chaos Whisperer, for her work helping people organize their homes, their lives, and their files, with her company, Seriatim. Thank you to Melanie Cohen for her lovely introduction.

Like so many Uplifter journeys, Sonya’s story begins at the moment she turned a difference into a strength. Sonya is a proud dyslexic. Her unique way of viewing information led her to a career helping thousands of people organize their lives, home, and data. In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The difference between project lists and task lists and which lists actually get done. 

  • How to get ourselves into Beast Mode by setting ourselves up for success with the right tools and the right processes. 

  • How we set ourselves up for Frustration Mode by holding onto the accumulated clutter of dreams and goals that didn’t have the right tools or processes to gain momentum. 

  • How bundling up the objects that anchor us to old habits can be a stepping stone to fully releasing them mentally, physically and emotionally. 

  • How our comfort zones can stop our growth, make us feel locked in the past, and turn our strengths into roadblocks. 

I hope you’ll find lots of juicy inspiration in this conversation to help you clear out any mental or physical clutter that might be causing you to stumble on the path to your goals. But, inspiration alone is just a starting point. We Uplifters are really here to turn our big ideas into big action! So, at the end of this episode, I’ll introduce a brand new segment to mark our 11th episode, and a new decade in our journey. I’ll ask you to take a few moments to reflect on what this conversation means for you and your dreams. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this new format, so please reply to this email or comment below and let me know what you think. 

Let’s keep rising higher, together.

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Get To Know Sonya

Sonya grew up in New York City where she started her organizing company, Seriatim, in 1999. Proudly dyslexic, Sonya founded her business in order to avoid writing a resume and now, almost two decades later, she and her Seriatim team have earned themselves a reputation as consummate Chaos Whisperers. In 2017, Sonya became the first organizer to be accepted into the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program. She is currently President of the New York Council of Relocation Professionals (NYCORP). In her spare time, Sonya organizes her husband, three children, and rescue dog, Finn.

Find more from Sonya here and here.


About the Podcast

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The Uplifters
It’s not too late to live your dreams. The Uplifters will show you how.

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About your host

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Aransas Savas

Aransas Savas CPC, ELI-MP, is a veteran Wellbeing and Leadership Coach, certified by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and The International Coaching Federation.
She has spent her career at the intersection of research, behavior change, coaching, and experience strategy. She has created a uniquely holistic and proven approach to coaching that blends practical, science-backed techniques with energy coaching.

She has partnered with customer experience strategists, at companies like Weight Watchers, Best Buy, Truist, Edward Jones, US Bank, and many more, to apply the power of coaching and behavior change science to guide customers on meaningful, and often, transformative, journeys.
As a facilitator on a mission to democratize wellbeing, she has coached thousands of group sessions teaching participants across socio-economic levels to leverage the wellbeing techniques once reserved for the wellness elite.

Aransas is the founder of LiveUp Daily, a coaching community for uplifting women who grow and thrive by building their dreams together.
Based in Brooklyn, Aransas is a 20-time marathoner, a news wife, and mother to a 200-year old sourdough culture, a fluffy pup and two spirited, creative girls.